Tissue MicroArrays (TMA's) are constructed by taking blocks from different cases, core punching designated areas (desired areas of interest) and reconstructing the cores into a new block. One TMA block can house up to 230 cores (core size dependent) resulting in 1 cut slide to represent multiple cases. A corresponding layout template, or layout grid, is also supplied. Review the Paraffin Translational Tissue Resource
- Tissue MicroArray
- Custom design and layout based on tissue blocks provided by researcher/pathologist
- Sectioning and staining of TMA block as requested
- Core sizes: 0.6mm, 1.0mm & 2.0mm
- UPMC Hillman Cancer Center\CTSI Tissue MicroArray (TMA)
- TCGA correlated cases
- Various tumor sites
- Paraffin Translational Tissue Resource
Please contact the Research Histology lab for details or questions about our services. Also for inquiries that you feel might not be routine service.